First off, it carries a flavor that is so enticing that you can dream about it while waking up on one Sunday afternoon. (yes I dream about meat)
But really, its the things you can do with it. You can bake it, fry it, broil it, saute it, coat it in bbq sauce, and just about whatever your sweet little heart desires. Up until just recently I would refuse to set foot into any eatery that did not serve meat. That is until I found...Veggie Grill
Veggie Grill you ask? Is she completely loony? On what planet would a vegetable taste remotely satisfying on a grill. Well Veggie Grill has done it. All I can say is that they have managed to completely imitate the taste of meat SO well that even I had to stop and this really NOT meat?
Check out some of their fantastical dishes.

DONT FORGET THEIR sweet potato fries...

Well, to cut to the just have to try it! There really is no other way to say it but TRY IT. DONT knock it, Till you Try it. This time even a meat eater can give a veggie eater TWO thumbs up! WOOT WOOT!