I know i have been away but I have a really good excuse! First before I get to that part...let me fill you in on my last greatest meal. It included pasta roni yet again but with a twist. I added a bit of clams to some pasta that actually made a great infusion of flavors. Imagine seafood and pasta uniting as one in a creamy mixture of butter and clams. If you are thinking that clams?? Well...yeah clams can be quite meaty but still fit the bill. Basically what I am trying to say is that..my husband and I were quite hungry so we raided our panry anbd tried to find the easiest quickest meal we could coordinate. I grabbed a box of cheesy garlicy pasta and saw that we had a little can of clams in the fridge. A tiny little bulb went off in my head and i realized that i could mix them.. ok well I didnt know that for sure but i thought what the hey! if it turns out crappy i can always order pizza! Either way we started boiling the pasta and added the cheese..THen some butter and a bit of salt. THen we added the clams mixed the whole meal up and decided to dig in...see below to view what we ended up with.
ok now that you saw my delicious portofino..let me fill you in on my slow posting...well a lot has happened in my life..one of which consisted of me getting smashed into a wall at 65 mph! thanks to a dumb idiot that couldnt wait to get to her exit. The worst part of my accident minus the neck and back pain was my tounge pain. Basically i bit my tounge during the accident which incidently made me have about 3 gashes that refuse to heal on my tounge. Dont worry i wont grace you with an image of that. I cant EAAT! I cant enjoy food my beautifuly happy food is denied me because of a an idiot! Unfortunately i cant eat anything since everytime i try to chew or swallow my tounge is on fire. So tonight i had some homemade egg flower soup. It was actually quite good. It was a mix ofcourse..but it did the trick. I basically added mix and boiled it. Then added a bit of egg and enjoyed, If you are a true food lover even a horrible accident that affected your very taste buds can't stop you from enjoying it. :P YUMMMM egg flower hot and sour soup... believe it or not this mix is really good and really easy...especially when you need food and dont want to spend hours cooking.
When you all check out this blog my goal is to provide you with the easiest most tastiest recipes...pretty much anything you can put together from your pantry. :)
Today I decided that I must make something hot. No sandwiches with turkey and cheese but a selection of the finest cuisine..none other than the infamous PASTA RONI!! I used to live on my own with two roomates, one of which LOVED pasta. She told me that if you must cook for a boyfriend/husband then Pasta Roni is an easy pleaser. The first time i ever attempted pasta i failed miserably! I overcooked the pasta to a mushy mess of glop. Either way this time I was extremely careful to test the pasta so it was done and not a slimey mess. I added butter, seasoning, a little meat, milk, and pasta and this delectible dish came out pretty good. :P I was very happy with this result!
Although, the real italian is ALOT better for us beginners Pasta Roni can give us a little taste of heaven without all the work!
Well on another note what do you all think of this....dish?
You know what i have always found strange? Why people seem to think that sitting around the table eating a giant turkey that will basically either make you extremely gassy or extremely tired is so fun! Well, it must be the fact that you get to pig out and enjoy eating with all of your friends and family. Thats what makes Thanksgiving so special. I think my favorite food though for Thanksgiving has to be the stuffing, mashed potatoes, and of course the cranberry sauce! So i have listed a few recipes that I think Even i can make. For thanksgiving I really want to make the cranberry sauce. Its a fruit that can be eaten almost anytime but tastes the best on TDday. :) Check out my Top 5!
Number 1: Gobble Gobble - Emeril's Big Bird with Giblet Gravy Emeril always gets it right. The minute my folks discovered this amazing turkey recipe it has become a quick favorite. The way its made makes it tender, juicy, and flavorful. I dream of it every year!
Number 2: The Stuffing! Cant have turkey without stuffing. Ok i know what you are thinking...Stover's? need i say more? Well for us beginners..i would stay run to the store and pick up a box and throw it on the stove. But for the more specialized cooks..try this one on for size.. The Right Stuff..ing
Number 3: Oh the Sauce, the lovely cranberry sauce! Now we have hit my favorite dish. The delicious cranberry sauce. Whether its straight from a can or cooked on the stove i love it!!! I LOVE IT! :) For some reason when you combine the turkey with the cranberry sauce it hits your palate at just the right spot. I can't explain the chemistry of it but it really works. Here is another recipe that I am going to attempt next thursday. We have at it before and it is just delightful! CRANBERRY DELIGHT!
Number 4: Garlicy Mashed Potatoes..YUMMMM OK now i am getting super hungry! AND i already ate dinner! WOOOHOOO! For mashed potatoes I really think that the garlic makes them extra special. If you are feeling lazy you can always buy one of those boxes of mashed potatoes that you just add water too but if you are a little bolder I DEFINETLY suggest this sumptious treat. Chive and Garlic Mashed Potatoes! One more thing, I know this isnt in the recipe but you can also add some extra chunks of baked garlic to make it even better. :)
Number 5: DESSERT...Apple Pie For this dessert you can either buy one at Costco..easy way out! Or try out this amazing recipe...Double Crust Apple Pie If i have time i am going to try and make this as well.
Try out some of these recipes and let me know how they turn out! I am going to be making the cranberry sauce, garlic mashed potatoes..and perhaps the apple pie. Dont ya just love Thanksgiving? Its a foodaholics dream day! lol
Check out this funny clip from the Cosby Man! totally reminds me of my family! We are quite silly! hehe
Ever wonder why people like to eat tacos on Tuesday? I think its because the "man" aka society would like to profit from our craving of those tasty pieces of heaven. Well...i decided to undertake this mexican feast all by myself. My second attempt at cooking started a little something like this....
I had a secret ingredient..shall i say? Ok I will since I think for us beginners we can use ALL the secret ingredients we can. It was drumroll please...precooked rotisserie chicken! I first marched over to Albertson's and got a nice little chicken and then hurried home to begin creating my taco concoction! One more secret that I had learned from my mom was to use the Taco Bell mix. The recipe is pretty simple, first you get a chicken, then you cut it up, then you cook it in a pan, then you add mix, then you serve. Well its easy as you can tell but as we all know I can take the easiest recipe known to man and still somehow alter it! It actually turned out pretty good except I hadn't used all the chicken so our tacos came out slightly salty. But the good husband that I have, made no comment to that little adjustment! :)
Anywhoo...although i have rambled on about these lovely tacos that i made...i actually had the most delicious spagetti for dinner today. My husband decided to treat me to an amazing italian pasta delicacy. Sweet Chicken teriyaki meatballs with tomato basil sauce and spagetti. Let me tell you that if you got to taste this amazing dish you would literally feel like you were floating away into the sky. It was the kind of food that you lick your fingers and keep eating until you are so full that you cant move one inch! Here is a little picture of what I just digested. :P
Let me tell you that although I didnt have tacos on tuesday that spagetti was pretty wonderful...Lets call it Spagetti Tuesday. Either way tacos or spagetti, home cooked food is SO much better than eating out..what do you think? Check out how to make some bomb spagetti below:
I can now say with much pride that I attempted to make my first indian chicken dish! It is called "Butter Chicken". Now i know that sounds a little strange and maybe not even that appetizing but believe it or not, it is an amazing dish. It has an amazing rich succulent flavor that seeps into the vary depths of the chicken. Chicken can sometimes be a hard animal to get quite right. But this simple blissful dish has captured it perfectly. The reason this Butter Chicken or rather "Makkhani Murghi" is so tasty is because it incorporates some unique flavors. Chicken, crushed garlic, butter, chili, yogurt, and much more. When all of these flavors are combined and simmering with the chicken something takes over and it transforms into something that you dream about...Ok I might be going overboard with the details but there is only one way to find out. Try it out, the video below will help you learn.
For myself i actually made it with the help of my dad. I chopped up some onions with a knife that was to large for my fingers and as my dad watched in fear i cut them up. He said that the way i was using that knife he was quite scared one of my fingers would go right away with the onions! lol.. After i spent a considerable amount of time chopping up half of an onion...approx 7 min ( i chop slow!) I then moved on to making the mixture of spices that would eventually be showered all over the chicken. Once my dad finished chopping up the chicken we were ready to start. ( i was a little slow chopping so he took over.) :) Anyhow the whole process took about half an hour. We havent actually tasted it yet but it smells amazing! I think if i keep this up...i just might be a top chef! Ok well at least a cook!
Ok is been a while since I last posted. It's not that I don't have interesting food moments that I would like to share. Ever tell yourself that today you are going to attempt to cook a satisfying meal? Well, I tell myself that daily but due to my ever present laziness I tend to steer of course. I was going to have an in-depth look of the Bean and Cheese burrito but have decided to mention something else that has grabbed my attention today. This blog was to be about my adventures in cooking. Well...so far that hasn't actually occured.
In order to have an adventure, one must actually do something. I have done just the opposite. I had a long day, and my husband offered to cook me a nice chicken dinner. Ofcourse, the ever present Lazy Yvette accepted without a second thought. Who could resist a home cooked meal and not have to lift a finger? I am always the first in line for that! I know what you are thinking. Yvette! You are supposed to be learning to cook! Not to worry, I am still on that mission. I am on a slight detour for today so I can catch my breath and really enjoy what marriage is about...a husband that can cook!
What I am having for dinner tonight... Stew chicken...it is a mixture of flavors and spice that make your tounge tingle. Something very different yet familiar. Try it out!
For as long as I can remember my parents used to tell me that if I really wanted to impress a man, cooking is the only way to go. Unlucky for me I have never quite gotten the hang of the actually cooking part of it! So now that I am a brand new wife with a brand new husband I have decided to take this gigantic feat into my own hands or rather my own stomach..
If you know me at all and soon you will, I love, LOVE, food. And by no means is that an exaggeration. I talk about food all day long and while im eating food i am thinking of what I will be eating for next meal. I know what you are thinking...this girl must be gigantic! Well, I'm not at all that large actually pretty normal size. But moving right along...
One of my favorite types of foods..would have to be Thai Food and second to that Indian.. I really think that if i put my mind to it i can make this delectible dish... Will be trying it out shortly and will report back to you with my findings. :) "Penang Chicken" Check out this recipe and let me know what you think.
From this day forward I will be cooking and eating many new dishes and hopefully will become the cook that I know i can become. I have lots of great mentors to learn from as well. My mom is an amazing cook who has mastered the art of Gujarati Cooking as well as many other types. I also have Emeril, Rachel Ray, and even my other half -my husband who is a pretty good cook! Stay tuned for more delicious food.
Next up the anatomy of the bean and cheese burrito...