Today I decided that I must make something hot. No sandwiches with turkey and cheese but a selection of the finest cuisine..none other than the infamous PASTA RONI!! I used to live on my own with two roomates, one of which LOVED pasta. She told me that if you must cook for a boyfriend/husband then Pasta Roni is an easy pleaser. The first time i ever attempted pasta i failed miserably! I overcooked the pasta to a mushy mess of glop. Either way this time I was extremely careful to test the pasta so it was done and not a slimey mess. I added butter, seasoning, a little meat, milk, and pasta and this delectible dish came out pretty good. :P I was very happy with this result!

Although, the real italian is ALOT better for us beginners Pasta Roni can give us a little taste of heaven without all the work!
Well on another note what do you all think of
FAST MEALS - PASTA - Click here for more free videosPasta is soooooooooooooooooooooo cool!
I have never had Pasta Roni.. so next time you will have to make me some.. however... one day I will be able to cut garlic as fast as the chef in the video.. one day!!
Pasta Roni tastes as good as home made in my opinion. Then again, I'm not the best food critic, in fact I'm not a food critic at all...just a food lover! :)
Every time I come on your site, I get hungry!! Thanks! And now I'm gonna munch on some crackers...and get nice and fat eating all the time...thanks again! :(
I'm bored with Pasta Roni...what's for dinner now?
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