I had a secret ingredient..shall i say? Ok I will since I think for us beginners we can use ALL the secret ingredients we can. It was drumroll please...precooked rotisserie chicken! I first marched over to Albertson's and got a nice little chicken and then hurried home to begin creating my taco concoction! One more secret that I had learned from my mom was to use the Taco Bell mix. The recipe is pretty simple, first you get a chicken, then you cut it up, then you cook it in a pan, then you add mix, then you serve. Well its easy as you can tell but as we all know I can take the easiest recipe known to man and still somehow alter it! It actually turned out pretty good except I hadn't used all the chicken so our tacos came out slightly salty. But the good husband that I have, made no comment to that little adjustment! :)
Anywhoo...although i have rambled on about these lovely tacos that i made...i actually had the most delicious spagetti for dinner today. My husband decided to treat me to an amazing italian pasta delicacy. Sweet Chicken teriyaki meatballs with tomato basil sauce and spagetti. Let me tell you that if you got to taste this amazing dish you would literally feel like you were floating away into the sky. It was the kind of food that you lick your fingers and keep eating until you are so full that you cant move one inch! Here is a little picture of what I just digested. :P

Let me tell you that although I didnt have tacos on tuesday that spagetti was pretty wonderful...Lets call it Spagetti Tuesday. Either way tacos or spagetti, home cooked food is SO much better than eating out..what do you think? Check out how to make some bomb spagetti below:
Yesss yummy homemade food. I definitely agree that homemade food rocks... I myself have been getting back to cooking and have tried my hands at quite a variety of dishes - all Indian ( I am tired of cooking non-Indian dishes) and plus boyfriend likes Indian food ... and is a great cook himself...however.. On sunday we invited my family over to his house.. and made a few vegetarian dishes (always!! ;) ) .. SO I am hoping that you attempt making a vegetarian dish and I can learn from your experience soon. :)
you are awesome for ALREADY knowing how to cook! your future hubby will be soo lucky! lol i am hoping to get to your cooking level pretty soom..wanna give me some cooking lessons on veggie cooking? perhaps my next attempt can be veggie somthing?
It's spaghetti...not spagetti!!!
I want some tacos....and I think they call it Taco Tuesday cause of the letters, just like Margarita Mondays! :P
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