I can now say with much pride that I attempted to make my first indian chicken dish! It is called "Butter Chicken". Now i know that sounds a little strange and maybe not even that appetizing but believe it or not, it is an amazing dish. It has an amazing rich succulent flavor that seeps into the vary depths of the chicken. Chicken can sometimes be a hard animal to get quite right. But this simple blissful dish has captured it perfectly. The reason this Butter Chicken or rather "Makkhani Murghi" is so tasty is because it incorporates some unique flavors. Chicken, crushed garlic, butter, chili, yogurt, and much more. When all of these flavors are combined and simmering with the chicken something takes over and it transforms into something that you dream about...Ok I might be going overboard with the details but there is only one way to find out. Try it out, the video below will help you learn.
For myself i actually made it with the help of my dad. I chopped up some onions with a knife that was to large for my fingers and as my dad watched in fear i cut them up. He said that the way i was using that knife he was quite scared one of my fingers would go right away with the onions! lol.. After i spent a considerable amount of time chopping up half of an onion...approx 7 min ( i chop slow!) I then moved on to making the mixture of spices that would eventually be showered all over the chicken. Once my dad finished chopping up the chicken we were ready to start. ( i was a little slow chopping so he took over.) :) Anyhow the whole process took about half an hour. We havent actually tasted it yet but it smells amazing! I think if i keep this up...i just might be a top chef! Ok well at least a cook!
Wow, I am so proud of you Mrs. Kahn!
You're all growns up!
Your chicken looks better than the one in the video...yay!
Hey!!!!! This is so great :)
I love your blog. I wish you could send us a bite to taste it.
you guys are soo nice!!! i am trying to step it up a notch! hehe
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