Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cooking French Toast on Sunday Morning

Do you ever wake up on Sunday morning with a huge breakfast craving but you are too lazy to actually make it? That is pretty much me every sunday! I always have good intentions but by the time its almost noon I have given up and my husband and I resort to raiding the fridge of leftovers. Well, today I decided that I was going to do it. I had made my mind up to "wow" my husband with a breakfast he would never forget. I was thinking...FRENCH TOAST! French toast you ask? Ok, I have never claimed to be an expert but I sure do try! I called up my mother and interrogated her for some ideas. She asks me to state what ingredients I have available. I had not made a trip to the grocery store so this is what I had to work with. 1 Egg, 2 pieces of potato bread, sugar, and spices. So I decided to take a chance! I knew that if I put my mind together I could come up with something.

Cooking Apprentice Recipe - FRENCH TOAST on the Go!

1 Egg. ( i Only had one!)
2 Slices of Bread
Pinch of cinnamon
Pinch of sugar
One skillet
Hot stove
and a little imagination

Here goes fellas!

Now follow me carefully as I take you on a journey of the best french toast ever!
I first took and egg and cracked it. I then took a fork and mixed it the best I could. Be careful not to let any egg shells fall in because that will make your french toast a bit to crunch...Next take the skillet and turn the heat to medium high. After that take a slice of bread and dip it into the egg mixture. After the bread is DRENCHED in egg take a pinch of cinnamon and light spray it over both sides of the bread. Now if you have powedered sugar thats a lot better, I didn't have powdered sugar so I poured some white sugar into a plate and attempted to pound it into a fine dust. After a few minutes I realized this wasn't going to work. I took the sugar and lightly sprinkled it onto the bread while it was in the skillet. Next, I made sure that the toast soaked in all the nice juices but kept it nicely cooked. Once it looked toasted I removed it and threw it on a plate and served.

My husband tasted it and loved it. So believe it or not you can cook french toast with limited ingredients. Next time, I have promised myself to at least have a bit of powdered sugar on hand to give my pretty little dish a bit more shall we say..color? Either way french toast can really be made in 10 minutes and make you feel like you had a delicious meal from the very best brunch place in town!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try adding a bit of milk and pure vanilla extract to the mixture, its good